I started programming when I was in 9th grade. It was then that I wrote my first C++ program. Since then I have been expanding my computer science knowledge rapidly. I have delved into many different CS fields such as Game Development and Algorithms & Data structures. My interests mostly lie within Algorithms and Data structures, but I am trying to explore other areas as well. Recently I joined the MIT Full Stack Development Bootcamp. I am currently working on that bootcamp.

Web Development Student.
Currently going through a bootcamp designed by MIT. The bootcamp is about Full Stack Webdevelopment.
- Birthday: 10 October 1998
- Website: LeulShiferaw.github.io
- Phone: +251 968016976
- City: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Age: 22
- Degree: Bachelor
- Email: abiyleoul3@gmail.com
- Github Username: Leul Shiferaw
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leul-shiferaw-1604b4129/
These demonstrate some of my skills.
Graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Web Developement Certificate
2021 - Ongoing
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
- Short term web development bootcamp
- Teaches you the MERN(Mongo, Express, React, Node) stack
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
2016 - 2020
Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany
- Three year computer science program
Professional Experience
Embedded System Developer
Ecog Gmbh, Munich, Germany
- Fixed some minor bugs and added some small changes
- Partially update a charging algorithm for a new customer
- Did some testing with GoogleTest
Teaching Assistant for OOP & Intelligent Mobile Systems
2017 - 2018
Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany
- Conducted tutorials
- Graded tests and exams
Web Developer Intern
Brav Conflict Management, USA
- Continuously developed new features for a website using html, javascript, php, ajax, and bootstrap
- Deployed website through Amazon EC2 server
These are some of the projects that I have worked on.
Pacman Exercise

One of our projects for the MIT Full Stack Development Program. It moves the pacman image while at the same time going through an animation from the left end of the screen to the right end of the screen and back.
Real Time Bus Tracker

One of our Projects for the MIT Full Stack Development program. Get the real time value of a bus from a server.
Eye movement Exercise

One of our projects for the MIT Full Stack Developement boot camp. Make two eyes on the screen follow your cursor around.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia