Leul Shiferaw



I started programming when I was in 9th grade. It was then that I wrote my first C++ program. Since then I have been expanding my computer science knowledge rapidly. I have delved into many different CS fields such as Game Development and Algorithms & Data structures. My interests mostly lie within Algorithms and Data structures, but I am trying to explore other areas as well. Recently I joined the MIT Full Stack Development Bootcamp. I am currently working on that bootcamp.

Web Development Student.

Currently going through a bootcamp designed by MIT. The bootcamp is about Full Stack Webdevelopment.

  • Birthday: 10 October 1998
  • Website: LeulShiferaw.github.io
  • Phone: +251 968016976
  • City: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Age: 22
  • Degree: Bachelor
  • Email: abiyleoul3@gmail.com
  • Github Username: Leul Shiferaw
  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leul-shiferaw-1604b4129/


These demonstrate some of my skills.

HTML 50%
CSS 35%
JavaScript 50%
PHP 70%
C++ 100%


Graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Web Developement Certificate

2021 - Ongoing

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

- Short term web development bootcamp

- Teaches you the MERN(Mongo, Express, React, Node) stack

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

2016 - 2020

Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany

- Three year computer science program

Professional Experience

Embedded System Developer


Ecog Gmbh, Munich, Germany

  • Fixed some minor bugs and added some small changes
  • Partially update a charging algorithm for a new customer
  • Did some testing with GoogleTest

Teaching Assistant for OOP & Intelligent Mobile Systems

2017 - 2018

Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany

  • Conducted tutorials
  • Graded tests and exams

Web Developer Intern


Brav Conflict Management, USA

  • Continuously developed new features for a website using html, javascript, php, ajax, and bootstrap
  • Deployed website through Amazon EC2 server



Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

